As a corporate group, Carbonero Publishing, LaMú and Sonoro are happy to be a part of the delegation, together with 18 Colombian agents, taken by the Ministry of Culture to Womex 2019 in Finland.  

This is an extremely important experience for us. As a corporate group, we believe strengthening all musical agents is fundamental, and the opportunity to attend WOMEX 2019 allows us to show off the progress we have been building as an industry.

With nine years of history, our corporate group, headed by Alejandro Santa, has been building processes that permit organizing the structure and work teams of the independent groups becoming consolidated in our country. This represents a notable evolution in the use of the resources of the new digital industry that has been transformed through rights management, communications and marketing. These resources have empowered work teams, which, understanding the dynamics and the power of intangible assets and intellectual property, are building projects with long-term returns, creating spaces for sustainability that were not previously viable within the traditional industry. 

Our goal is to promote #DiversidadSonoraColombia with the creation of alliances, circuits and networking spaces where our services can open up to the world, making us into a branch office for the specific objectives international artists may have for our territory, while sharing the opportunities the global market offers Colombians. 

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