As a corporate group, Carbonero Publishing, LaMú and Sonoro are happy to be a part of the delegation, together with 18 Colombian agents, taken by the Ministry of Culture to Womex 2019 in Finland. This is an extremely important experience for us. As a...
Many genres were mixed together in order to give birth to the sounds of our lands. Sounds that reveal the quotidian of our people, their dreams and their way of enjoying life. We are the principal actors of our history and we are proud of our sounds’ diversity...
Somos los protagonistas de nuestra historia y estamos muy orgullosos de nuestra Diversidad Sonora, por eso estaremos en Womex (Finlandia) compartiendo los sonidos de Colombia. WOMEX, la World Music Expo, es la reunión musical más internacional del mundo. Además es la...
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